Tuesday, 18 December 2012
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Friday, 19 October 2012
Factors of Production : Islamic Perspective
Four (4) factors of production from the Islamic perspective are as follow:
1. Land. It refers to all natural resources gifted by Allah, which are usable in the process of production. Man should utilize the resources according to al-Quran and al-Sunnah as land is a valuable gift by Allah SWT. Land not only include the resources found on sea and land, but also include the climate (such as rain, solar and wind), minerals and animals.
2. Labor. In Islam, it refers to the mean to extract most of the goods from the earth by labor (human effort) who are sane and healthy. The reward given to the labor id not only monetary term (wages), but also the compensation in terms of good deeds in the hereafter. The relationship of employer and employee are also stretched out in Islam, as both should treat each other according to al-Quran and al-Sunnah. For example, the employer should pay wages to the employees before their sweat dried out. (according to Hadith Riwayat Ibn Majah)
3.Capital. It refers to the combination of work to obtain wealth, and the use of the capital (equipment, machinery, wealth) must be in accordance to al-Quran and al-Sunnah). As refer to the writing of Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani, Ph. D. Islamic Finance. His writing posted on Meezan Bank's Guide to Islamic Banking. Capital refers to those means of production which cannot be used in the process of production until and unless during this process they are either wholly consumed or completely altered in form, and which, therefore, cannot be let or leased (for example, liquid money or food stuff etc.)
4. Entrepreneur. It refers to the man who makes the decision and has the ability and capability to produce within Islamic value. His decision will determine the demand of factors of production, influence maximum production of output and quality of goods and services. Decision made by him must be in accordance with the teaching of al-Quran and al-Sunnah.
Elasticity Of Demand : Types & Factors Influence
The three types of Elasticity of Demand are:
i. Price Elasticity of Demand
ii. Income Elasticity of Demand
iii. Cross Elasticity of Demand
Three factors that influence the Elasticity of Demand are:
i.The amount of income spent. According to www.investopedia.com, It refers to the total a person can spend on a particular good or services. If there is an increase in price and no change in the amount of income available to spend on the good, there will be an elastic reaction in demand. For example, if the price of a cup of tea raises from RM 1 to RM 2 per cup, while the income of the consumer remain the same, and the income available to spend on tea is RM 3, is now enough for only 1 cup of tea, instead of 3 cups of teat at RM 1 each before.
ii. The availability of substitute goods. The concept is when one good has more substitutes, the more elastic demand will be. Vice versa, when one good is lack of substitutes, it is called an elastic product. Example of elastic goods are rice, there are variety of rice in the market that the consumer can choose from, not able to buy the Basmathi, may be one can consider to buy the subsidize local rice. Inelastic goods are like unique goods, antiques, rare item like gold and titanium and so on.
iii. Habit. It simply refers to the habit of the consumer and one's demand on certain good. For example, a habitual smoker has more demand in cigarettes, regardless of the price of the cigarettes,habitual smoker would still buy the cigarettes. The demand for cigarettes is inelastic. While non regular smoker, has less demand in cigarettes, when the price of cigarettes fall, the demand of cigarettes may be increase, and when the price raises, the demand would also decrease respectively. The demand for cigarettes is elastic.
i. Price Elasticity of Demand
ii. Income Elasticity of Demand
iii. Cross Elasticity of Demand
Three factors that influence the Elasticity of Demand are:
i.The amount of income spent. According to www.investopedia.com, It refers to the total a person can spend on a particular good or services. If there is an increase in price and no change in the amount of income available to spend on the good, there will be an elastic reaction in demand. For example, if the price of a cup of tea raises from RM 1 to RM 2 per cup, while the income of the consumer remain the same, and the income available to spend on tea is RM 3, is now enough for only 1 cup of tea, instead of 3 cups of teat at RM 1 each before.
ii. The availability of substitute goods. The concept is when one good has more substitutes, the more elastic demand will be. Vice versa, when one good is lack of substitutes, it is called an elastic product. Example of elastic goods are rice, there are variety of rice in the market that the consumer can choose from, not able to buy the Basmathi, may be one can consider to buy the subsidize local rice. Inelastic goods are like unique goods, antiques, rare item like gold and titanium and so on.
iii. Habit. It simply refers to the habit of the consumer and one's demand on certain good. For example, a habitual smoker has more demand in cigarettes, regardless of the price of the cigarettes,habitual smoker would still buy the cigarettes. The demand for cigarettes is inelastic. While non regular smoker, has less demand in cigarettes, when the price of cigarettes fall, the demand of cigarettes may be increase, and when the price raises, the demand would also decrease respectively. The demand for cigarettes is elastic.
Orientation & Induction : The Benefits
The 4 benefits of conducting orientation and induction are:
1. To familiarize the newly hired employee with the organization's objective, goals, and operations.
2. to deliver the objective of the organization to the employees.
3. To reduce anxiety of the new employees.
4. to reduce turnover of human capital.
1. To familiarize the newly hired employee with the organization's objective, goals, and operations.
2. to deliver the objective of the organization to the employees.
3. To reduce anxiety of the new employees.
4. to reduce turnover of human capital.
Recruitment : Why Internet Recruit?
has became so popular in recruitment, for government agencies or
private agencies, this is the new trend and the most efficient way to
The reasons of why internet has become the main media for recruitment are as follow:
1. Lower cost. For the hiring company, posting job vacancy on the internet would cost less than printing advertisement or by other media such as television and radio. All the company need to do is to post in their website or post on some free posting site about the vacancy. Nowadays, government of Malaysia has provided jobsmalaysia.gov.my for the company to post their job vacancy online with no charges. If the company chose to recruit via printing media, they have to pay a very high cost and get lower output. The charges of their advertisement depends on the sizes the advertisement fits in the paper and the period the company would like to post the vacancy. For example, a 3x4 inch advertisement may cost RM300 for posting of vacancy for 1 week. While posting via television and radio also cost huge amount of money, it depends on the slot the company would like their advertisement to show up. If the advertisement was to post on peak hour, the chargers would be higher than that of off-peak hour.
2. Fast and easy. The posting of vacancy online required only minutes, while posting via printing media requires days and on TV and radio maybe require weeks for the production company needs to arrange the showing slot to enable the advertisement to fit in their show without compromising other advertisement and show.
3. Environmental friendly. Advertising vacancy via internet required no paper, ink or motor vehicles. It is the most environmental friendly method of recruitment, and that's the reason why people preferred this method than others. While recruiting via printing media consume a lot of papers and inks.
4. Popular social medium. People nowadays rely more on internet to communicate with other people, be their family,coworkers, friends or even strangers. The internet was like the 'other world' where people can get tonnes of information at their fingertips. By posting vacancy online, it would attract more people to apply for the job at a quicker rate. Moreover, via internet, people could link the advertisement for recruitment to their friends, they would become the hiring company's 'HR managers' indirectly, who help to spread the news and accelerate the process of recruitment.
5. Border-less. Recruitment via internet could help the company to hire people not only within the nation, but also hiring experts from foreign country without even traveling and paying high cost to advertise in foreign newspaper.
The reasons of why internet has become the main media for recruitment are as follow:
1. Lower cost. For the hiring company, posting job vacancy on the internet would cost less than printing advertisement or by other media such as television and radio. All the company need to do is to post in their website or post on some free posting site about the vacancy. Nowadays, government of Malaysia has provided jobsmalaysia.gov.my for the company to post their job vacancy online with no charges. If the company chose to recruit via printing media, they have to pay a very high cost and get lower output. The charges of their advertisement depends on the sizes the advertisement fits in the paper and the period the company would like to post the vacancy. For example, a 3x4 inch advertisement may cost RM300 for posting of vacancy for 1 week. While posting via television and radio also cost huge amount of money, it depends on the slot the company would like their advertisement to show up. If the advertisement was to post on peak hour, the chargers would be higher than that of off-peak hour.
2. Fast and easy. The posting of vacancy online required only minutes, while posting via printing media requires days and on TV and radio maybe require weeks for the production company needs to arrange the showing slot to enable the advertisement to fit in their show without compromising other advertisement and show.
3. Environmental friendly. Advertising vacancy via internet required no paper, ink or motor vehicles. It is the most environmental friendly method of recruitment, and that's the reason why people preferred this method than others. While recruiting via printing media consume a lot of papers and inks.
4. Popular social medium. People nowadays rely more on internet to communicate with other people, be their family,coworkers, friends or even strangers. The internet was like the 'other world' where people can get tonnes of information at their fingertips. By posting vacancy online, it would attract more people to apply for the job at a quicker rate. Moreover, via internet, people could link the advertisement for recruitment to their friends, they would become the hiring company's 'HR managers' indirectly, who help to spread the news and accelerate the process of recruitment.
5. Border-less. Recruitment via internet could help the company to hire people not only within the nation, but also hiring experts from foreign country without even traveling and paying high cost to advertise in foreign newspaper.
Human Resource Management : Surplus & Shortage ?
2 ways to reduce surplus of employees would best be:
1. Freeze recruitment / hiring. Stop recruiting new employees and allowed managers to organize and align their employees more efficiently. Department which has surplus members may allowed manager from other department to use the service of the surplus member (cross-service as in matrix structure of organization). The work burden could be share among members and reduce the stress and burden carry by one.
2. Early retirement.The aim of this action is to cut the labor cost by reducing worker's aging workforce. This is the best way to not only reduce the number of employees, but also can avoid from paying large amount of compensation if one organization have to dismiss or terminate workers.
While 2 ways to overcome shortage of employees would be:
1. Recruiting new employees, either temporary or permanent employee. Temporary workers are best at flexible job description, staffing flexibility and temporary employee has lower service commitment (to both employee and employer), saving money as the wages and benefits of temporary employees are usually lower than those permanent. Permanent employees do save money too, as the job training and induction provided are one-time basis. If company continue hiring temporary workers, the same job training need to be given again and again and this would some how consume higher cost. Permanent employees are committed to their job and employer as they have to perform to ensure their benefits are well guarded throughout their service.
2. Re-analyzing job process and redesign the job process if necessary. This would help to estimate and limit the number of workers need on each department / job. Through this process, the efficiency of the workforce could be obtain and maintain while the organization working to reach the desired goals. Although the process of analyzing would consume certain amount of money, but the outcome would help the organization to reorganize, reconstruct its organization's structure and to distribute workforce more efficiently.
1. Freeze recruitment / hiring. Stop recruiting new employees and allowed managers to organize and align their employees more efficiently. Department which has surplus members may allowed manager from other department to use the service of the surplus member (cross-service as in matrix structure of organization). The work burden could be share among members and reduce the stress and burden carry by one.
2. Early retirement.The aim of this action is to cut the labor cost by reducing worker's aging workforce. This is the best way to not only reduce the number of employees, but also can avoid from paying large amount of compensation if one organization have to dismiss or terminate workers.
While 2 ways to overcome shortage of employees would be:
1. Recruiting new employees, either temporary or permanent employee. Temporary workers are best at flexible job description, staffing flexibility and temporary employee has lower service commitment (to both employee and employer), saving money as the wages and benefits of temporary employees are usually lower than those permanent. Permanent employees do save money too, as the job training and induction provided are one-time basis. If company continue hiring temporary workers, the same job training need to be given again and again and this would some how consume higher cost. Permanent employees are committed to their job and employer as they have to perform to ensure their benefits are well guarded throughout their service.
2. Re-analyzing job process and redesign the job process if necessary. This would help to estimate and limit the number of workers need on each department / job. Through this process, the efficiency of the workforce could be obtain and maintain while the organization working to reach the desired goals. Although the process of analyzing would consume certain amount of money, but the outcome would help the organization to reorganize, reconstruct its organization's structure and to distribute workforce more efficiently.
Human Resource Management : HR Manager's Challenge - Internal
HR Manager is one who administer the human resources / human
capital in an organization in order to help achieving the goals of the
organization. 3 internal challenges of becoming HR Manager are:
1.Lack of resources to cope with daily activity of the organization could be a real problem for a HR manager.Resources could refer to training facility for the manpower in the organization, low number of workers to cope with high intensity of work burden, low or no budget for employees' performance appraisal, and no suitable tools to assist HR Manager in analyzing the manpower of the organization and to research on employees' needs.
2. Employees' discipline is a challenging factor for a HR Manager. To help motivate the employee with discipline problem, HR Manager need to plan suitable courses and motivation for the employee. HR Manager may face the situation where he/she have to dismiss employee with discipline problem, and to deal with the situation of the lack of manpower to recover the work burden of the employee who has been dismissed.
3.Employees' health & safety at the workplace are also the main challenges for a HR Manager. Despite of keeping the employee motivated and productive ate the workplace, several matters should be taken into precaution such as fire handling procedure, safe workstation for each employee, no harmful particles involved in the daily working condition and so on.
1.Lack of resources to cope with daily activity of the organization could be a real problem for a HR manager.Resources could refer to training facility for the manpower in the organization, low number of workers to cope with high intensity of work burden, low or no budget for employees' performance appraisal, and no suitable tools to assist HR Manager in analyzing the manpower of the organization and to research on employees' needs.
2. Employees' discipline is a challenging factor for a HR Manager. To help motivate the employee with discipline problem, HR Manager need to plan suitable courses and motivation for the employee. HR Manager may face the situation where he/she have to dismiss employee with discipline problem, and to deal with the situation of the lack of manpower to recover the work burden of the employee who has been dismissed.
3.Employees' health & safety at the workplace are also the main challenges for a HR Manager. Despite of keeping the employee motivated and productive ate the workplace, several matters should be taken into precaution such as fire handling procedure, safe workstation for each employee, no harmful particles involved in the daily working condition and so on.
Human Resource Management : The Importance
Human resource management is very important because:
1. To analyze the human resource requirements of an organization, if the number of the human resource is below the expectation of the goals set by the organization (Demand > Supply) , human resource department should recruit new members of the organization, and if the number is more than enough (Demand < Supply) to carry out the tasks in order to achieve the goal of the organization, human resource department would plan to restructure the organization so that every member in the organization play the equal important role and carry equal work burden.
2. To recruit & select manpower for the need of the organization. After analyzing the manpower requirement of the organization, the human resource department conduct recruitment if there are any vacancy, and selecting the qualified applicant to fill in the post.
3. To provide orientation and training for the manpower in the organization, in order to improve their skills, knowledge and to motivate the employees to perform better.
1. To analyze the human resource requirements of an organization, if the number of the human resource is below the expectation of the goals set by the organization (Demand > Supply) , human resource department should recruit new members of the organization, and if the number is more than enough (Demand < Supply) to carry out the tasks in order to achieve the goal of the organization, human resource department would plan to restructure the organization so that every member in the organization play the equal important role and carry equal work burden.
2. To recruit & select manpower for the need of the organization. After analyzing the manpower requirement of the organization, the human resource department conduct recruitment if there are any vacancy, and selecting the qualified applicant to fill in the post.
3. To provide orientation and training for the manpower in the organization, in order to improve their skills, knowledge and to motivate the employees to perform better.
Personnel Administration : Public Sector Vs Private Sector
2 Differences between personnel admin in public sector versus personnel admin in private sectors:
1.In term of Recruitment Process, Public Sector has more complicated procedure than that of Private Sector.
According to Perintah Am, Bab A, Bahagian III: Pengambilan. Despite the process of every Ketua Jabatan who are required to inform the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam about the recruitment information in each recruitment process, any doubt in the scheme of services or the advertisement itself, should also refer to the Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam.
The recruitment process should be advertised in at least 1 Bahasa Malaysia's Newspaper , with 7 features of the vacancy clearly stated, which are:
1.Name of the post and the status of recruitment (contract or permanent)
2. Name of the Scheme of the service
3. Salary information
4.Academic qualification for the post and other relevant qualification needed
5.Nationality of the applicant
6.Closing date of the vacancy
7.The address to where the applicant should send / get the application form
Whereas in private sector, the recruitment process could be way simple and not standardized. Although some may required standard academic qualification, some are just walk-in interview or first-come-first-serve basis. Basic / common requirement for clerk in private sector is the applicant who are able to speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia or English, capable of using computer and able to work according to the time fixed by the company.
2. In terms of size, Personnel Admin in Malaysia Public Sector handled over 1.4 million of human resources, while in private sector in Malaysia, the size are much more smaller.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Discipline : The Approaches
Three (3)
approaches to improves employee discipline in the public sector
1. Progressive
organizations applying progressive approach in discipline the employee, the
management would advise and giving guidelines to employee and try to help the
employees to correct their behaviour Stronger or rougher penalties would be
imposed for repeat offences, this would give the employees chances to correct
their inappropriate and improve themselves.
approach involved 5 major steps:
2. Corrective
Referring to the
University of North Texas, Human Resource Department on “Corrective &
Disciplinary Actions Tool kit , the definition of corrective approach given is
‘a process of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behaviour or performance’.
Actions are
taken to correct employees who have violated the rules of the organization.
The main objective of this approach is to encourage compliance with standards and rules of the organization, besides discouraging the employees from repeat violation in the future.
Action such as sending the problematic employee to consultation, camp, and penalty like suspension would also be imposed depending on the seriousness of the offence. Some suspension may allow pay and some may not.
The main objective of this approach is to encourage compliance with standards and rules of the organization, besides discouraging the employees from repeat violation in the future.
Action such as sending the problematic employee to consultation, camp, and penalty like suspension would also be imposed depending on the seriousness of the offence. Some suspension may allow pay and some may not.
3. Preventive / Positive approach
This approach is
aimed to encourage employees to obey rules and regulations of the organization
to avoid violation and it stresses on employees’ self-discipline by following the
rules voluntarily. The employees are taught on the policies, rules, procedures
and standards of the organization required. Meaning to say that, the employees are taught of the rules, so, logically, they will not violate the rules and thus, prevent any possible offences.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Training & Development : The Purposes
English: Economic development training session in a with the member of a community organisation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Training is designed
to provide learners with knowledge and skills needed for their present job.
While development involves learning that goes beyond today’s job, it prepares
employees to perform future job and to keep pace with the organization as it
The three purposes
of training and development are:
Attainment of precision
and clarity in the transaction of daily business and every turn of the
organization. Training provides familiarization
with the company’s mission, vision, goals, rules, regulations and work
environment to the new employees. As for the existing employees, they could enhance
their skills and efficiency through training, which would indirectly make them
eligible for promotions and at the same time, uplifting the overall output of
the organization.
Continuous adjustment to
the changing socio-economic needs and increase staff productivity. Training and development programs are designed to enhance knowledge,
skills and experience of employees. Well-trained staff would increase their
tasking flexibility and show not only quality but also quality in their work
performance and cutting unnecessary waste of time and resources.
To cultivate a new altitude
and behavior in human personality. For existing
employees, training and development programs could refresh their knowledge and
enhance their skills besides help kills boredom as they have been with the organization for a while. This would results
in positive motivation and encourage innovative and passion in work. For new
employees, training could help boost their morale by indirectly offering job
security, as they feel easy when they know what the organization is expecting
from them. Through understanding organization new goals and turns via training
provided, it would enhance staff teamwork.
While the employees feel united, happy and satisfied as they all share
the common goals, it would indirectly reduce staff turnover. Talented staff
that shows excellence performance after training would be promoted, and this
would boost the spirit of the employees to continuously excel in every job.
Regardless of the position of an employee in the organization, he / she
should be given equal opportunity for training and develop. Training and
development program would not only help the organization to evolve and
compete with others, it would also help to increase self confidence in the
employees and hence, increase productivity and marginal output of a
production. Not all employees should be given the same training,training
and development should be conduct after the needs analysis has been
studied and the methods of training are chosen carefully to suit each
employee's function in the organization.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Performance Appraisal : The Problems
List 4 problems in conducting performance
The supervisor may tend to only
recognise the recent performance of an employee, and neglect the achievement in
the entire year. The recent event marks the most impressions on the appraiser;
it is a very subjective and non-empirical method of evaluation. This is so called
the recent effect.
The performance appraisal is
usually design to be evaluated and appraise annually, instead of year-around
evaluation. The design of the appraisal system should be restructured so that
the supervisor is able to monitor and evaluate one employee all year around,
not only at the end of each year.
Central tendency which lead the
appraiser to rate and evaluate all the employee at the certain / same level as
average performers. The appraiser tends to rate the employees at a level not
too high (overrated) or too low (underrated). In public agency for example,
public servants would be rated through annual performance appraisal and the
best achiever would be awarded APC. To keep the quota of achiever in a
seemingly normal level, the appraiser took the safe path and rates the
employees as average performers.
Personal bias and favouritism.
The supervisor appraises and rates the subordinate based on his own feelings
and opinion on the subordinate, not on the achievement and performance of the
subordinate. The bias and favouritism may be caused by political issue, family
background, former wrongdoings of the employee that marked the negative
impressions and etc.
The performance appraisal has been an issue
not only for the appraiser (supervisor), but also an issue for the employee. As
the appraisal system mostly designed as one-way appraisal, the interaction
between the supervisor and subordinate are extremely low. Usually, after the
subordinate submit the performance appraisal form, it rarely came back to their
desk to tell them how far they have achieved in a particular year. As the
result, in the coming year, the employee may make the same mistakes again and
never improve.
Performance Appraisal : The Importance
4 purposes of conducting performance
appraisal could be extracted from two 2 basic purposes for performance
appraisal: administrative and developmental. (Refer to Fisher & Shaw 2003)
serve as a jury, the appraiser (supervisor) is responsible for any decision
made regarding:
1. For salary increment
1. For salary increment
2. Promotion purpose / reference
serve as a helper or mentor, the supervisor is responsible :
3. To identify the developmental needs of
an employee for better performance in the future
4. To observe and evaluate the development
and performance of an employee are up to the predetermined standards (referring
to previous performance appraisal and aim for the current appraisal).
Promotion : What's the problem ?
4 issues in promotion may be as follow:
1. Transparency of the promotion process may be doubted. In public service for example, the outcome of annual performance appraisal is rarely shared between the supervisor and his subordinate. Supervisor avoids doing explanation on his evaluation, and when the subordinate’s colleague being promoted, whereby they have equal seniority, lots of questions and doubts would raises. Personal relationship, which may led to bias judgement.
2. Stereotype judgement is the most general
issue in promotion. The general assumption of a supervisor may influence his
judgement to select the right candidate to be promoted. For example, if a male
supervisor have an idea of ‘female could not perform 100% as male employee
does’, then he would tend to select male employee to be promoted, regardless of
the performance and achievement of the female employee.
3. Political favoritism. Misjudgment may
happened if the employer promote one employee not simply based on his
performance, but also taking in consideration of the political party the
employee was in.
4. Seniority versus ability. Promotion
based on seniority has always been the argument of both the managerial and also
the lower level employee. The employee who excels in work and has better
achievement was wasted in the seniority system, as the system choose to promote
whoever comes first in the organization, not based on whoever did well.
RECRUIT : Internal or External?
Internal promotion
or hiring new people from outside both have pros and cons to consider.
promotion would lift motivation of both
the promoted employee and other unselected workers to perform or work harder to
show their true potential in order to get recognize Whereas, by hiring new
people from the outside, psychologically, the existing employees would feel
threatened by the new comer. Although new people from outside the company may
inject new ideas, innovations to the company, the cons are too much to bear. As
the existing employees may feel undervalued by the organization, and led to
discipline problem, disloyalty and negative productivity.
Internal promotion can also save resources (money, time and human
resources) in conducting the staffing process by only recruiting from the
inside of the organization. Hiring new people from the outside of the
organization is an exhausting process, as the staffing process have to start
from recruiting, which will cost a lot of money to be used on advertising to
attract people. Panels of interviewer will need to be set up to help the
selection process, and normally, the people applying for the job from outside
the organization outnumbered the number of interviewers, usually, one
interviewer have to make session after sessions of interviews. Moreover, the result of selection is
uncertain, as we don’t know who will apply for the job, and did they really are
who they said they are on the paper. In terms of performance and all, they are
unpredictable since the organization may not held the copy of performance
appraisal of the new employee, or worse, the new employee hired from outside of
the organisation does not have any
working experience.
The process
of internal promotion is much simpler to undergone compared to hiring new
people from outside. The organization keep its own organization chart, the
number of posts which has been filled and yet to be filled are complete in
hand. It is much easier for the manager to select and shift people from the
inside, as he knew best who fits the job. And the existing employees keep their
performance record to the organization. Hiring new people from the outside
should be the last resort every manager should take if finding no right
candidate (from inside the organization) to fill the post. Although recruiting
from the outside can help boost up human capital, but a positive marginal
productivity is not a guaranteed.
Some may say, by
hiring people from outside the organization could help injecting new
inspiration to the organization, as outsider see the organization at a
different angle than the existing employees, hence, people from outside could
bring fresh ideas and creativity to help the organization to evolve and catch
up with the developing industry. But, what is more important to an
organization: New ideas and creativity or the employees who know the organization best? Considering
the stability of the organization in its daily operation, promoting employees
from inside the organization would certainly accelerate its development.
Inspiration and creativity can be obtain by sending the existing employees to
advancement camp, brainstorming session and so on.
In terms of training and orientation, the
existing employee only have to go
through basic job-related training and not compulsory for induction, as they've worked with the organization for some time and should know the
background and objectives well enough compared to new people from outside the
organization. This would help save a lot of money and unnecessary drop of
production as employees who are on training are not able to produce. Hiring new
people from outside the organization needs a lot of training, start from the
basic – induction to the job-related training.
Via analysis of position vacancies, the supply of internal human capital should
be evaluate before a manager decide on the hiring method (to hire from inside
or outside of the organization). If the internal supply of human capital is
low, the shortage occurred, and the best alternative for hiring would surely be
by external recruit / hiring from outside of the organisation. Surplus of labor would happen if the manager tends to hire new people from the outside,
whilst the internal supply of human capital is sufficient to fill the job
vacancies. In conclusion, internal promotion should be applied before any manager consider to hiring new people from the outside,taking into consideration that the number of employee is sufficient to fill in the vacancy. If there are really no qualified candidates from within, then the last resort is to hire people from the outside. This situation is always faced by the manager usually when hiring experts or professionals.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Interview : Problems when conducting interviews
Interview is a process in selecting the
best qualified candidate for a specific job title. There are several types of interview;
among them are the unstructured interview, structured interview, behavioral interview
and stress interview.
Problems that can be identifying in
conducting interviews are as follow:
1. Limited resources. The information provided by the candidate may be
falsified and inaccurate; the interviewer may not have enough resources to
check on the details provided.
2. Unfair judgement and bias while interview may occur if the
candidates are to be interview in a group. Based on one question, each
candidate is giving chance to elaborate on their own point of view, personal
preferences of the interviewer may lead to misjudgement and bias on the
selection of the right candidate for the job. Most of the time, the interviewer
would choose the one who has the same point of view as he is.
3. Argument between the interviewer and candidates on the issue
discussed while interviewing. The interviewer intention to extract the
knowledge of the candidates may lead to argument if the interviewer pushing too
far and begins to argue for the fact.
4. Derailed from the objective of the interview would happened when the
interviewer and the candidates are both exhausted from long hour interviewing
JD & JS : Job Description & Job Specification : The Differences
Job description and job specification are
job documents which are created after the information or data of a job has been
gathered and analysed. According to Brian L. Delahaye in his book “Human
Resource Development”, these two documents has become the predetermined
standard for the performance appraisal as a comparison point for the occupant’s
behaviours and abilities.
The differences of these two documents are
as follow:
1. The job description or best say
the desk file “fail meja” is a
document which contains a lot of information about the position, such as the
position title, position summary, duties, tasks, and responsibilities.
The job specification
lists the characteristics such as the knowledge, skill and ability required by
one to fill the position, to enable him to carry out his duties and to achieve
the predetermined performance indicators.
2. The job description contents
the general information or an overview of a position. Information such as the
relation of one position to the other positions is also included. Such
relationship would show who the person reports to, who are the subordinates and
who are they working with. Once job description was read, people would get to know
what the job or position is about.
Job specification did not
content such detail, but job specification would rather elaborate on ‘who and
how to’ carry out the duties as said in the job description. For example,
position titled ‘Kindergarten teacher’ must have the ability to communicate
with children, language knowledge, ability to handle hyperactive kids, kind
hearted, friendly, patient and passionate. These are all specific details which
would not say in the job description. Once job specification was read, people
would get to understand who can perform the job said.
3. The outputs expected of the
position are listed in job description, and is shown as the performance
indicators. But such details are not contented in the job specification; the
job specification is more about the characteristics of one person who can
perform the job.
Training Needs Analysis
Training as part
of human resource planning which aim to help develop the employees in terms of
their skills and knowledge to enable them to meet the needs of the
organization. Before conducting training programs, the needs of training should
be analyse to ensure the objective of the training program is parallel to that
of the goals of the organization.
3 types of
Training Needs Analysis are as follow:
1. Organizational needs analysis. The organization needs to evolve and expand alongside with the development of the global and to compete with others. To able to do that, the human capital of the organization should be well-trained, updated of current issues and needs of the customer. For example, if a restaurant needs to expand its business from dine-in to drive-through service, the manager should evaluate the supply of the human capital, their capability and so on, and train them on how to take order for drive-through and such. The analysis focused on the needs of the organization, regardless of the capability of employee.
2. Task needs analysis refers to the job-based training analysis. Say a service manager is transferred to the human resource manager, his previous experience and training report would be evaluated. If needed, he would be recommended to attend human resource seminar and training to enable him to handle the job better. This analysis is necessary to prepare the existing employees well prepared for the job and lowered their anxiety when being transferred or when given new job or task.
3. Person needs analysis refers to individual needs. For example, a newly hired employee who has no experience in assembling a bicycle would be given proper training to give him adequate knowledge to enable him to perform job of assembling the bicycle efficiently in the future. Person needs analysis emphasis on the needs of an individual in the organization.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994
1994 refers to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 which was intended
to ensure safety, health and welfare of all persons at all places of work.
The 4 benefits of OSHA 1994 are:
1.Reduces risks and causes of accidents. The inspecting body would identify any hazards, dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning and disease present in the work place and so to improve the health and safety management practices of an organization. As safety and health programs are both represented by the workers and the employer, consultation programs may also be provided to teach both the knowledge of how to identify hazards and risk and how to eliminates those risks and hazards. This would help them both (workers and employer) to prevent work related injuries, poisoning or death.
2.Monetary benefits. By complying the guidelines of OSHA, one organization (especially business based) would benefits the business. For example, Malaysia, with OSHA, foreign investor would see the seriousness of how the government make sure the commercial buildings are well examined and inspected before letting for business, and would be please to invest. By following regulations in OSHA, one organization also saving money from reduced employees' injury, paying expensive medical bills, product loss, equipment damage, compensation costs due to death or disable, and even paying high price in renovating damaged building from fires.
3.Easing managerial task. Since OSHA 1994's philosophy is 'responsibility for safety and health in the workplace lies with those who create the risk (employers) and those who work with the risks(employees), both the workers and employers are responsible for own safety and health in the workplace as they were both educated on how to identify hazards and how to eliminate the hazards. The employees should cooperate with the employers to ensure safety and health in the workplace. Since the employees are aware of the safety and health in the workplace, the workplace become safe for them to work in, they can perform better and increase productivity over time, thus, easing managerial task.
4.Workers' health, security and welfare are protected, and employers are aware of safety and health of workers in the organization. With OSHA 1994, inspection would be done not only by officers of Department of occupational safety and health, few independence inspecting body would also assist. The employers are aware of the hazards, they would be required to eliminate the hazards, and if the hazards are unavoidable in daily production (organization which may need to work with dangerous substances), hazards sign should put on to make everyone aware of the existing hazards. If anyone in the organization ignoring the signs and causes accidents or fatal to himself, the employers would not be at fault. On the other hand, OSHA makes the employer comply with the safety and health guideline in the workplace, the employer must comply so to provide safe and healthy place for the workers to work within. If there are accidents happened, the workers would get some amount of medical assistance, or compensation. Thus, with OSHA, the safety of the workers are well guarded, and the health and welfare of the workers are well protected.
The 4 benefits of OSHA 1994 are:
1.Reduces risks and causes of accidents. The inspecting body would identify any hazards, dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning and disease present in the work place and so to improve the health and safety management practices of an organization. As safety and health programs are both represented by the workers and the employer, consultation programs may also be provided to teach both the knowledge of how to identify hazards and risk and how to eliminates those risks and hazards. This would help them both (workers and employer) to prevent work related injuries, poisoning or death.
2.Monetary benefits. By complying the guidelines of OSHA, one organization (especially business based) would benefits the business. For example, Malaysia, with OSHA, foreign investor would see the seriousness of how the government make sure the commercial buildings are well examined and inspected before letting for business, and would be please to invest. By following regulations in OSHA, one organization also saving money from reduced employees' injury, paying expensive medical bills, product loss, equipment damage, compensation costs due to death or disable, and even paying high price in renovating damaged building from fires.
3.Easing managerial task. Since OSHA 1994's philosophy is 'responsibility for safety and health in the workplace lies with those who create the risk (employers) and those who work with the risks(employees), both the workers and employers are responsible for own safety and health in the workplace as they were both educated on how to identify hazards and how to eliminate the hazards. The employees should cooperate with the employers to ensure safety and health in the workplace. Since the employees are aware of the safety and health in the workplace, the workplace become safe for them to work in, they can perform better and increase productivity over time, thus, easing managerial task.
4.Workers' health, security and welfare are protected, and employers are aware of safety and health of workers in the organization. With OSHA 1994, inspection would be done not only by officers of Department of occupational safety and health, few independence inspecting body would also assist. The employers are aware of the hazards, they would be required to eliminate the hazards, and if the hazards are unavoidable in daily production (organization which may need to work with dangerous substances), hazards sign should put on to make everyone aware of the existing hazards. If anyone in the organization ignoring the signs and causes accidents or fatal to himself, the employers would not be at fault. On the other hand, OSHA makes the employer comply with the safety and health guideline in the workplace, the employer must comply so to provide safe and healthy place for the workers to work within. If there are accidents happened, the workers would get some amount of medical assistance, or compensation. Thus, with OSHA, the safety of the workers are well guarded, and the health and welfare of the workers are well protected.
The Hot Stove Rule - Douglas Mc Gregor
Stove approach by Douglas Mc Gregor
shows that if the rules and penalty are clear and acknowledged clearly to all
staff, a violation of rules prescribed would create some consequences as stated
in the penalty, just as if someone touching the hot stove, the consequence is
to burns his own hands.
Four principles of the hot stove rule in employee discipline is immediacy, warning, consistency and impersonal / impartiality.
i. Immediacy. In discipline employee, a manager should take immediate action to investigate the case and if the employee found guilty of violating the rules and standards of the organization, immediate action should be taken to punish / or penalty should be impose according to rules of the organization. And the employee should be informed of his violation and penalty soon after the manager or the authority of the organization has decided. This would prevent the case from fading away and misjudged. This as if someone touches the 'hot stove', the effect and burning sensation is immediate.
ii. Warning. Each and every employee, higher level or lower level ones should be given notice or acknowledgement of the organization's latest rules, standards and regulations. What penalty and punishment would be set to each violator should also brief to the employees as a warning. As pictured by the 'hot stove', the hot red burning stove is the warning so people would not touch it, if anyone touches it (ignored the warning), his hands would burn as the result (punishment) of touching hot stove.
iii. Consistency. The punishment / penalty for violating rules of the organization should be consistent. This would ensure that all employees are satisfied with the fair treatment and recognize that if anyone violating the rules, he/ she would get the same punishment. This would not only ensure that the employees be loyal to the organization, feel safe when working in the organization and also satisfied when being punished. The 'hot stove' would always burn one's hand if touched, the consequence is consistent, so is discipline.
iv. Impersonal /impartiality. Discipline applied to every member in the organization, regardless of what position ones in, gender, race or family background. A manager should impose the penalty or punishment of violator without bias or favorites. The punishment should be on the subject (the violation), not on the person. This is as if the hot stove, whoever touched it, burn their own hands, the hot stove does not chose to burn certain people or because of who they are, but whoever touched it, get the burn.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Sharing of a real life story:
Kisah Ketabahan Amyra Balqis & Ibunya
Harini saya ingin share kisah benar tentang "Ketabahan Seorang Ibu Yang Menjaga Anaknya Yang Kini Terlantar di Bilik ISO 1, Wad 4D Onkologi & Homotology, HUKM, Cheras Kerana Menghidap Penyakit Kanser Leukemia (Kanser Darah) Tahap 4 dan Kisah Seorang Anak JKecil Yang Begitu Kuat dan Tabah Dalam Menjalani Kehidupannya Yang Begitu Penuh Cabaran dan Kesakitan Dengan Tidak Menitiskan Airmata dan Cuba Mengukirkan Senyuman Kepada Semua Orang..."
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Ternyata saya seorang ibu yang kini mempunyai 2 orang anak....Apabila anak saya sakit walaupun hanya demam, saya akan sedih dan xberhenti menitiskan airmata...Saya tak boleh tidur dan x selera makan dan berharap Allah akan sembuhkan anak saya segera...Itu baru sakit yang biasa, ini kan pula sakit yang berat...
Bagaimanakah reaksi aku?Tabah ke aku?Boleh ke ku menghadapinya?
"Ya Allah...Baru ku sedar, tabahnya sis Herna...bagaimana sis Herna boleh tabah dan menghadapi dugaan sebegini Ya Allah...Beratnya mata ku memandang...berat lagi bahu yang memikul Ya Allah...
Sahabat2 mari lah kita hayati sama2 kisah ketabahan anak dan ibu ini....
Comel kan kanak2 di atas ni...ini lah Amyra Balqis, anak cilik yang begitu ceria dan manis sekali...Anak bongsu dari 3 beradik...Sangat manja, peramah dan bijak...Siapa sangka anak secomel,secantik dan sekuat ini menghidap sakit Kanser Leukemia (kanser darah) yang kini sudah tahap 4....
Myra ni dulunya anak yg ceria dan sangat aktif orangnye sehingga saye tidak sedar yg dia ni sakit hingga pada satu ketika dia kerap mengadu letih dan sering kelihatan pucat lesu jer dan menampakkan kesan lebam atau kebiruan di beberapa tempat seperti di betis, lutut dan lain-lain tempat lagi di bahagian badan (macam kene gigit pelesit) orang tua-tua kate....Kalau di ajak berjalan Myra pasti minta dukung...Jika masuk kereta sahaje terus sahaja terlena...Kesian juga pada Myra coz kene marah juga kerana asyik minta dukung coz Myra kan dah besar, tak larat untuk saye dukung sentiasa..Myra ni jarang sakit dan pergi klinik/hospital....Mula dengan demam. Selalunye saya tidak suke ke klinik Kerajaan kerana terpaksa menunggu hampir satu hari semata-mata nak dapatkan rawatan. Saye cume bawa Myra ke klinik swasta sahaja....Makan ubat, baik demam...Ubat habis, selang beberapa hari, Myra demam lagi....saye pun melakukan perkara yg same iaitu pergi semula ke klinik swasta....dah kerap sangat macam ni, saye tak sedap hati coz risau mungkin kene denggi dll kerana kawasan rumah saye ramai yang dah kene denggi...Saye pergi juga klinik kerajaan di Presint 9, Putrajaya. Di sana, dia terus pergi makmal ambil darah Myra kerana Myra dah demam lebih 3 hari...Kali ni, lame pun lame lah....Result darah mendapati Hb, Platlet dan lain-lain lagi semuanya tak normal....Pada mulanya doktor pun saspek denggi. Mendapat surat rujukan agar Myra di bawa ke Hospital Putrajaya yg berdekatan dgn rumah saya. Sampai di sana, Myra sekali lagi di ambil darah. Result mendapati platlet bertambah kurang dan Myra di tahan di wad. Di Hospital, doktor dapati hati dan limpa myra makin membesar dan tidak normal jika dibandingkan saiz seusia dia iaitu lebih 5cm...Doc di Putrajaya mengambil darah lagi sebanyak 8 botol test dan dihantar ke KL. Keputusan mendapati terdapat sel kanser di dalam darah Myra. Untuk mengetahui kanser di tahap mana, doktor memberi saranan agar Myra di rujuk ke Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. Memandangkan di HKL penuh, doktor rujuk kes Myra ke PPUKM, Cheras coz di Hospital Putrajaya tiada kepakaran untuk kes Onkologi & Hematologi kanak-kanak dan chemo. Di sana, doktor telah menerangkan tentang penyakit kanser dan rawatan chemo kepada saya dan suami. Mengambil masa juga untuk mentandatangani proses pengambilan tulang belakang Myra sebelum ni. Semua saudara dan sahabat saye hubungi untuk minta pandangan....Ramai yg memberikan kata-kate negatif takut akan bahayanya jika di ambil sum-sum tulang belakang Myra..boleh lumpuh katenyer...Tapi ...
(ikuti kisah benar ini di blog http://mayanabilla.blogspot.com/2012/07/kisah-ketabahan-amyra-balqis-ibunya.html )
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PHILIPS AVENT Baby Feeding Bottle OFFER! |
My brother-in-law had a baby girl this Saturday, considering buying baby Q'sya a gift and found this great deal! It's the famous and safe PhilipsAvent baby feeding bottle twin pack for only RM60 from @milkadeal!
View the deal!
Gift 2 Give !
Dear friends @ kawan-kawan,
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