
Sunday 31 July 2011

The Structure of Malaysian Judiciary

The Malaysian Judicial System is composed of the Superior Courts and the Subordinate Courts.The Superior Courts consist of The Federal Court as the apex court of all, the Court of Appeal, and High Courts ( High Court in Malaya and High Court in Sabah and Sarawak. The Subordinate Courts are The Sessions Court, the Magistrates' Court and the Court for Children.

Each Superior and Subordinates Courts practices their specific judicial functions conferred by the Federal Constitution.

The Federal Court is the apex court
and had the highest judicial authority in Malaysia. It is headed by the Chief Justice and with the provision of the Federal Constitution,Article 122(1), The Federal Court must also consists of the President of the Court of Appeal, 2 Chief Judges of the two High Courts and 7 other judges. All judges in the Federal Court are appointed by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, with the advice of the Prime Minister, after consulting the Conference of Malay Rulers.

According to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, there are 4 main jurisdictions of the Federal Court:
i) Exclusive Jurisdiction to determine whether a law made by the Parliament or by the Legislature of a State is invalid (Article 128 (1a)) and to determine the disputes between States or between the Federation and any State. (Art 128(1b))

ii) Referral Jurisdiction. The Federal Court should (without interfering the jurisdiction of the Federal Court to hear and determine appeals and subject to any rules of court regulating the exercise of that jurisdiction), determine any question arises in the hearing of the other court to the effect of any provision of the Federal Constitution, and send the case back to that court to be decide according to the determination.

iii) Advisory jurisdiction. The yang Di-Pertuan Agong may refer to the Federal Court for its opinion on any question regarding the Federal Constitution or any constitutional issue,and the opinion of the Federal Court shall be pronounce in an open court. (Article 130)

iv)Hearing and Determining Appeals : Civil Appeals & Criminal Appeals. The Federal Court may hears and determines appeals against decisions of the Court of Appeal to any criminal matter decided by the High Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction. Civil appeals against the decision of the Court of Appeal may be made to the Federal Court with the leave of the Federal Court.

According to the Federal Constitution, The Special Court has an exclusive jurisdiction to hears and determines all offences committed in the Federation by the Rulers of any States or even the Yang di-Pertuan Agong; and it also has to jurisdiction to try all civil cases by or against any of the Rulers of any States or Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, regardless of where the case was rose.

The Court of Appeal has the jurisdiction to hears and determines all civil ans criminal appeals against any decisions of the High Courts.

The High Courts has the unlimited jurisdiction to hear and determine all criminal cases and civil cases. The High Courts also act as the appellate court referred by the Subordinate Courts, although not all decisions can be appeal from the Subordinate Courts to the High Courts. Despite of that, the High Courts also act as the revisionary power over all Subordinate Courts in the matter of criminal proceedings or criminal procedures.

The Sessions Court act as the highest court of the Subordinate Courts. The Sessions Court can try all criminal cases, except the offences which need to be punish with death sentences. For civil cases, the Sessions Court can hear and determine matters or cases with the value (if involved) does not exceeding RM 250thousand.

The Magistrates' Court has jurisdiction to try all criminal offences for which the maximum sentences does not exceed 10years imprisonment or with fine only. And for civil cases, magistrates can hear and determine all offences with the amount disputed are not exceeding RM 25thousand.

The Court for Children has jurisdiction to hear and determine any charges against a child, or may dispose the charges against the child


  1. salam..hai suka baca n copy ur PAD120 note..hope u dont mind...^_^ aisyah ada fb ke? kalu boleh sy mahu blajar dr aisyah...kalu bleh nk tgk nota2 aisyah semester lepas..boleh tak?..coz sy msh tak pasti mcm mn sbnrnya cara brkesan untuk study PAD ni...saya harap aisyah sudi membantu dan berkongsi dengan saya..terima kasih..kalau sudi email la rosimah84...

  2. Salam, thank you very much. Rasa bersemangat bila ada yang sudi berkongsi pendapat. Kebanyakan note di sini adalah usaha rakan2 dan saya. Insyaallah, saya akan post lebih banyak note in the future. For PAD 120, because still basic, basically saya study guna mind map dan short note sahaja. Don't worry, PAD 120 is easy when you pay attention on the key words. PAD is like say, easier than History, because PAD takda event2 yang kena ingat tarikh, cuma ada definisi dan konsep sahaja. Hope my notes are helpful. By the way, sekarang kat U mana?

  3. sy kat shah alam gak..aisyah shah alam kan?
    dr.shireen loves talking about u..she said u got 4 flat last semester...she's proud of u..

  4. That's great, please send my regards to my beloved lecturer. She is an inspiration, thanks to her patient, we get to love PAD 120. (The rest of my comment has been sent to you via email)

  5. salam aisyah,

    setinggi tahniah diatas wujud blog yang sangat bagus ini. Ilmu yang dikongsi moga mendapat keredaan olehNya. Tahniah Aisyah, moga kamu berjaya dengan cemerlang. Saya ingin meminta izin dari Aisyah sebagai 'tuan rumah' untuk saya gunakan dalam assgement saya sebagai rujukan dalam tugasan saya. boleh ya?


    1. Salam KK,
      Thnak you atas sokongan, dan saya doakan awak dapat cemerlang juga, insyaallah. Dan minta maaf sebab lama tak update blog, sibuk dengan assignment, setiap subject ada assignment. Huhu.. Insyaallah, KK boleh guna ni sebagai rujukan, tapi apa-apa pun sila refer pada lecturer masing-masing untuk verification. Take care.


Semoga perkongsian ilmu ini diberkati.

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