
Tuesday 3 December 2013

PAD 252 Article 3: Speed up projects, federal, and state civil servants told


WORK TOGETHER: Chief Minister thanks federal officers for helping develop Sabah

 KOTA KINABALU: CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman wants state and federal civil servants to work closely  for  the people."Federal and state civil servants should double their efforts this year to ensure all government programmes can be implemented speedily and successfully," he said at a gathering with members of the federal civil service here.Musa thanked government servants who had contributed in education, social and economic development, as well as state security."I am also grateful to the Federal Government, which until now has created about 100,000 federal service posts in the state."It has not only provided job opportunities for the people of Sabah, but also helped in boosting the state's economy through a budget that reached almost RM7 billion last year."Musa also encouraged the practice of the 3C (communication, coordination and cooperation) approach in dealing between or among ministries, agencies, federal and state government."If good communication is practised and cultivated among them, it will not only solve problems, but also simplify a lot of things. Coordination and cooperation are also elements that have to be emphasised and applied as it determines the success of any project."Present were state federal secretary Datuk Abu Bakar Hassan and state secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman.Abu Bakar urged civil servants to focus on the implementation of the 2013 Budget agendas, as well as improve delivery service to clients via Blue Ocean Strategy.

Read more: Speed up projects, federal, and state civil servants told - General - New Straits Times

Referring to the article, at the Federal Civil Service Assembly held late January 2013, Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, stressed that federal and state officers should work together and double their efforts to guarantee all government programmes can be implemented promptly and successfully. Through 3 C approaches – communication, coordination and cooperation, government bodies can solve problems and simplify work processes as good communication, coordination and cooperation is vital to determine the success of any government plan. The Chief Minister also expressed his gratitude to the Federal Government for created nearly 100,000 federal service posts in the state of Sabah, which has not only provided job opportunities for the people, but also boost the state’s economy. Datuk Abu Bakar Hassan, the State Federal Secretary who was also present on the assembly, advised civil servants to focus on the implementation of the 2013 Budget agendas and to improve delivery service to clients vie Blue Ocean Strategy.


The article above could be related to quality culture in the public sector. The Chief Minister of Sabah not only urge the civil servants to work together and to ensure the government programmes can be implemented successfully, but he stressed on the environment that supports the quality products or services that are offered to the organizational public which exceeds their expectations. For example, the 3C Approach which includes communication, coordination and cooperation among all public sectors to deliver better service to the public, and also to make the implementation of government plan possible. Some common characteristics of quality culture, such as customer input, which I would relate to the internal customers input of the public organization itself, via 3C approach; work done in team work and employees are both involved and empowered, the employees from both state’s and federal’s are involved in ensuring the successful implementation of government plan, and as the Chief Minister urged the civil servants to work together - 3C among government bodies and double their efforts to improve delivery service to the public. The Federal Government has created about 100,000 federal posts in Sabah, and this would provide sufficient resource to the state of Sabah in facilitates the state to implement the government plans. Quality, as picked from the State Federal Secretary is to have the civil servants to focus on the implementation of 2013 Budget and to improve their service delivery to the people. In addition, quality in this article does not only aim at the production of quality output or service to the people, but it also includes all operations and activities relating to the public organizations. Hence, it is Total Quality. Total quality, as mentioned earlier, could be evaluate from the efficiency of all government bodies to work together to solve problems, easing processes, support from the federal government and also the ability of the employees to compete and coordinate to improve service delivery. The present of the top management such as the Chief Secretary and the State Federal Secretary, are symbol of support to all the employees. Their present in an assembly could motivate the employees to work harder this year to double their efforts, work together with other government agencies, in order to implement successfully the government plan, for example, the 2013 Budget and improve service delivery system. The present of top management has a psychology effect to the employees, which I would like to relate to Deming’s Profound Knowledge System. The top management understand the employees and thus, try to nurture and preserve the employees’ positive characteristics in them by giving motivational speech and have physical contact such as shaking hands with the employees before leaving (found in the picture attached in the article).

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