
Tuesday 3 December 2013

PAD 252 Article Review 1 : Tie-up to safeguard biodiversity

Semasa PAD 252, lecturer minta sediakan 9 Artivle Reviews, iaitu article dari newspaper tempatan, yang berkaitan dengan Quality Management. Searching online untuk cari draf..contoh..skema or what so ever, tidak menjumpai bahan yang membantu. Rayuan demi rayuan, lecturer release 3 contoh article review, dan dari situ, pandai-pandailah nak hidup...Di sini saya kongsikan article review , harap boleh membantu. Enjoy!


WORKING TOGETHER: Cemex Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd and Malaysian Nature Society work in partnership to protect nation’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage

KUALA LUMPUR: Cemex Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd, a leading player in the building solutions industry, and the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS -- the BirdLife Partner in Malaysia) formalised a pilot partnership recently to address biodiversity risks as well as protect and conserve the nation's rich biodiversity and natural heritage.Through the partnership, Cemex and MNS will work to develop a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) to address risks at an active granite quarry site in Bukit Tambun, Seberang Prai Selatan, Penang, which is operated by a subsidiary of Cemex.The two organisations will also embark on conservation efforts at the Teluk Air Tawar-Kuala Muda coast Important Bird Area (IBA), a globally-recognised important area of high biodiversity value, especially for migratory shorebirds, and coastal flora and fauna.The collaboration will have the involvement of BirdLife International, which will provide guidance and advice on the implementation of the pilot project.Cemex and BirdLife established a 10-year partnership in 2007, seeking to refine Cemex's biodiversity-related strategies, policies and practices globally.The tripartite agreement between Cemex Malaysia, MNS and BirdLife was signed by Cemex Malaysia country director Fikry Sami El Kaissouni and MNS executive director Shah Redza Hussein, and witnessed by Cemex Asia president Joaquin Estrada.Estrada said the partnership represented the company's global commitment and efforts to integrate nature conservation into its daily operations."Cemex pays special attention to protecting biodiversity, minimising the impact of climate change and establishing global standards and guidelines for environmental impact and performance," he said."This partnership between Cemex Malaysia and MNS is in line with the global partnership that Cemex has with BirdLife International for the conservation of wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity towards achieving environmentally-sustainable development."The partnership with MNS is an in-country extension of the partnership the company has with BirdLife. Following a Biodiversity Scoping Study that Cemex carried out with BirdLife, Malaysia was identified as hosting one of 12 globally important sites that overlapped with an area of high biodiversity value, presenting an opportunity to implement a pilot conservation project.BirdLife International CEO Marco Lambertini said: "The signing of this national partnership agreement represents an important new chapter for the Cemex-BirdLife Global Programme. I am delighted that our valued partnership with Cemex is enabling MNS to enhance its IBA conservation programme, while at the same time helping Cemex to increase the scope of its sustainability activities in Malaysia."Fikry said: "We are proud that Malaysia is one of the pilot countries identified to develop conservation projects."We have a huge responsibility to conserve and protect the environment in which we operate and this partnership is the perfect channel."In MNS we have found a partner that shares the same vision of achieving environmentally-sustainable development."We are excited that Cemex Malaysia and MNS are leading the way in conservation efforts with this collaboration and hope that it will promote wider initiatives at the national level."Shah Redza echoed Fikry's commitment and called for more conservation efforts by corporate citizens.He said: "MNS together with BirdLife International is heartened to formalise this partnership with Cemex Malaysia. This charts a journey of discovery and the raising of awareness with regards to our biodiversity, especially in areas identified as IBAs. Hopefully more corporate citizens will come forward and take leadership to conserve our natural heritage."Fikry said the partnership with MNS and BirdLife International could potentially become a benchmark on quarry management, and provide a platform to educate the public, starting with its own employees.He is hopeful that the project would be able to raise awareness on biodiversity conservation issues.Fikry said Cemex's commitment to conservation was evidenced in the series of conservation books on cutting-edge themes published each year since 1993 and in the company's growing portfolio of on-site and off-site conservation projects.
Read more: Tie-up to safeguard biodiversity - Central - New Straits Times

Cemex Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) and Birdlife International work in partnership to protect and conserve Malaysia’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage, which, quoted from Cemex’s Director saying, is the responsibility to conserve and protect the environment that we are working in. Through this partnership, Cemex and MNS will develop a Biodiversity Action Plan to address risk at an active granite quarry site and to embark on conservation efforts at an Important Bird Area (IBA). The involvement of BirdLife International is to provide guidance and advice on the implementation of the project. The partnership shows the commitment of Cemex to integrate nature conservation into its daily operation by refining Cemex’s biodiversity-related strategies, policies and practices globally. To achieve environmentally sustainable development, Cemex realize the importance of protecting biodiversity, minimising the impact of climate change and establishing global standards and guidelines for environmental impact and performance. The tripartite hoping the partnership can promote wider initiatives at national level and encourage conservation efforts by corporate citizens. Beginning with Cemex’s employees, the director wish the project could not only set benchmark on quarry management and provide platform to educate the public, but also to raise awareness on biodiversity conservation issue. Since year 1993, series of conservation books on cutting-edge themes were published each year, besides the company’s growing portfolio of on-site and off-site conservation projects.


This article can be related to the concept of Total Quality. Defined by Goetsch & Davis, 2010, Total Quality is an approach to doing business that attempts to maximize the competitiveness of an organization through the continual improvement of the quality of its product, service, people, processes and environments. Cemex’s aim is not only to develop its organization, but to develop the organization to be environmentally sustainable one. Cemex recognise the responsibility to protect and conserve the environment it worked in.  The eleven key elements of total quality practiced by Cemex can be easily spotted through this article. Cemex has strategic plan to achieve its conservation plan, which is through collaboration with MNS and BIRDLIFE, and refining Cemex’s biodiversity-related strategies, policies and practices. The project based on customer-focus, internally or externally, Cemex begins with its internal customer – the employees, by providing platform for employees to understand conservation and work together to achieve conservation, the external customer – the nation also were provided by the published conservation books and projects that ensure despites of active quarry activity, the environment and the biodiversity were conserved. Cemex not only aim on quality, but it is obsessed with quality. Using its own resource, Cemex wished to became a platform to educate the public on conservation and raise awareness on biodiversity conservation issues, also to establish global standards and guidelines for environmental impact and performance. To achieve its ambition, Cemex team up with MNS and BIRDLIFE, and they were all agreed on this long term commitment to continually improve, assess and refining their strategy and process to ensure the biodiversity and environment were conserved. The approach to achieve the objective is scientifically based, which there are guidance provided by BIRDLIFE, published conservation books to refer to and the Biodiversity Scoping Study that Cemex carried out with BIRDLIFE. Education also provided by Cemex to ensure total quality would be achieved in this project, quoted from Cemex’s Director’s saying ‘to provide a platform to educate the public, starting with its own employees’. Freedom through control, this element of total quality was initiates by BIRDLIFE, in helping Cemex to increase the scope of its sustainability activities in Malaysia. The guidance and advice given by BIRDLIFE could empower Cemex and could be used by Cemex in order to help Cemex to solve conservation problems within their scope of control. The collaboration of Cemex, MNS and BIRDLIFE shows the unity of purpose, as they all share the same vision of achieving environmentally-sustainable development. Employment involvement and empowerment enable BIRDLIFE to give advices to Cemex on conservation issue, MNS to help develop BAP, the employees are given better scope on conservation and etc.

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