
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Discipline : The Approaches

Three (3) approaches to improves employee discipline in the public sector

1.         Progressive approach
Most organizations applying progressive approach in discipline the employee, the management would advise and giving guidelines to employee and try to help the employees to correct their behaviour  Stronger or rougher penalties would be imposed for repeat offences, this would give the employees chances to correct their inappropriate and improve themselves.

Progressive approach involved 5 major steps:

2.         Corrective approach
Referring to the University of North Texas, Human Resource Department on “Corrective & Disciplinary Actions Tool kit , the definition of corrective approach given is ‘a process of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behaviour or performance’.
Actions are taken to correct employees who have violated the rules of the organization. 
The main objective of this approach is to encourage compliance with standards and rules of the organization, besides discouraging the employees from repeat violation in the future. 
Action such as sending the problematic employee to consultation, camp, and penalty like suspension would also be imposed depending on the seriousness of the offence. Some suspension may allow pay and some may not.

3.         Preventive / Positive approach
This approach is aimed to encourage employees to obey rules and regulations of the organization to avoid violation and it stresses on employees’ self-discipline by following the rules voluntarily. The employees are taught on the policies, rules, procedures and standards of the organization required. Meaning to say that, the employees are taught of the rules, so, logically, they will not violate the rules and thus, prevent any possible offences. 

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