
Thursday 21 June 2012


Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Model.
Leadership is the exercise of authority, whether formal or informal, in directing and coordinating the work of others. Situational Leadership Model or Life-Cycle Theory was developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in 1971 and revised in 1996. It is a contingency theory that focuses on followers. There are four leadership styles discussed under this theory:

                                                 i.   Telling – a high task-low relationship style of leadership, in which the leader defines
role and tell people what, when, where and how to do various tasks. As the followers at this level
have the lowest maturity; they have lack confidence, knowledge and skills in completing the task
given on their own. They need to be told exactly what to do and how to do it right, and push to take the
task on.;

                                                    ii.  Selling – a high task-high relationship style, in which the leaders encourage a two
way communication, and share in decision making with the followers. The main role of the leader is
to provides little direction or support for the followers. At this stage, some may call it coaching stage,
as followers may have the will to work on the task, but they still don’t have the necessary skills to
complete it successfully. Leaders still provide the information and directions, and the communication
with the followers is more frequent than that of Telling Stage;

                                         iii.      Participating – a low task-high relationship leadership. This is the ‘supporting’
stage, in which the followers are ready and willing to take the task; they are considerately skillful, but
still lack of confident to complete the task. Leaders focus more on building relationship with the
followers than giving directions and orders. The leader works with the team of followers and
participates in decision-making process; also the leader would share the decision-making
responsibilities. The leader and the follower share in decision-making process. At this stage, the
main role of the leader is to facilitate and communicates with the follower.

                                            iv.    Delegating is a low task-low relationship style of leadership with minimal leadership    intervention. It allows the group to take responsibility for task decisions as the followers are skilled, confidence, committed to the task given and are able to work on their own. Leader passes most of the decision-making responsibility to the followers or group of followers. The leader would still monitor the progress but less involved in decision-making process. The leader provides little directions or support to the followers, as the followers at this stage are mostly expert and know their job well. 

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