
Thursday 21 June 2012


Explain three (3) of the Islamic principles required to be an effective Islamic leader.

The three (3) of the Islamic principles required to be an effective leader can be described as follow:-

Syura (Mutual)
Syura is the first principle that emphasizes on the importance of managing through teamwork. Syura consists of meeting or consultation in accordance to Islamic approach and by following the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah. The Muslim leaders are obligated to consult those with knowledge or expertise and those who would provide good advice. The practice of Syura will enable members of an organization to participate in the decision making process. In other words, every member in the organization is given fair opportunity to voice their opinions freely without hesitation. For example, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w he himself was a great influential leader, despites of the highest position he held, he always refer and respect the decisions made by the members of Syura. This situation can be seen through Battle of Khandaq where the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was faced with two options whether to confront the unbelievers outside Medina or within Medina itself. After consulting the sahabahs (companions), Salman al-Farsi suggested that it is better to confront the unbelievers in Medina. In order to do so, the muslims must weaken the foreign supports of the unbelievers. The muslim should dig a ditch to prevent the enemies from entering Medina.

Justice in Islam is known as Adalah or adl. Justice can be defined as, to put one thing at its right place. By following this principle, the leader should deal with people justly and fairly regardless of race, color, national origin or religion. The Al-Quran commands Muslims to be fair even when dealing with people who oppose them. A good Muslim administrator, manager and especially judge and lawyer is strongly demanded to observe the justice maxim in accordance to the principles of Islam and to do otherwise are considered as an act of tyranny.

Freedom of Expression
Muslims leaders are encouraged to provide and invite constructive criticism. Two-way communication is practiced and members may freely voice their views or objections and have their questions answered. A leader should attempt to create an atmosphere of free thinking, healthy exchange of idea, criticism and advice so that the followers feel very comfortable in discussing matter of interest to the group. The teaching of Islam emphasizes that freedom in the Islamic term comes with discipline and responsibility towards oneself, family, ummah and society.

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