
Tuesday 22 November 2011


Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Administration
* Define the concept of policy and administration
* Describe the roles of public administration
* Distinguish between public and private administration
  • Definition of Public Administration
  • Public Vs Private Administration
  • Policy and Administration
  • Dichotomy of Politic and Administration
  • Roles of Public Administration

Chapter 2: Development of Public Administration in Malaysia
*Describe the development of public administration in Malaysia

  • Before Independent
  • After Independent

Chapter 3: Theories of Public Administration
* Discuss the Max Weber Theory of bureaucracy

  • Max Weber's theory of Bureaucracy
  • Types of Bureaucracy
  • The Principles of Bureaucratic Organization 

Chapter 4: Government and Administrative Machinery
*Identify and describe the Malaysian Federal and State Government administrative machinery

  • The Component of Government Machinery
  • Federal Government
  • State Government
  • Local Government
Chapter 5: Government Agencies
*Identify and describe the functions of government agencies in Malaysia

  • Central Agencies
  • Operational Agency

Chapter 6: Understanding Public Policy
*Identify and describe public policy making models

  • Definition
  • Significance
  • Public policy making models

Chapter 7: Personnel Administration
* Describe the activities of personnel administration

  • Definition and Concept
  • Significance
  • Roles of Personnel Administration
  • Process / Activities
  • Public Service Commission
  • Public Service Benefits and Privileges

Chapter 8: Tribunal Administration
* Identify and describe the roles of tribunal administration

  • Definition and Concept
  • Characteristics
  • Types of Tribunal

Chapter 9: Financial Administration
* Identify the process and activities of public financial administration

  • Financial administration in the Public Sector
  • Process of financial administration

Chapter 10: Issue and challenges
* Discuss the issues of public administration

  • Integrity
  • National Integrity Plan
  • E-Government
  • NKRA / ETP


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  2. Waalaikumsalam,
    Boleh print melalui option atau tools dari browser anda. Terima kasih.

  3. salam, nak notes pad 190 bole?

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