
Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Legislature

Definition:  - deliberative (bersifat rundingan) & representative body
                           - enacting, passing, amending & repealing laws
                           - congress / parliament / legislative assembly

Composition of Malaysia Legislative body (3):
1. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong
2. Dewan Rakyat (Lower House - House of Representative)
3. Dewan Negara (Upper House - Senate)

Functions of the Legislature (8):
1. Make laws or amend / replace old laws
2. Representative of the people in the government
3. Control of the national finance
4. Election of the top of the executive / Head of State
5. Judicial functions : impeachment of Head of State
6. Control of the Executive : the power to adjusting the behavior of administrative officials.
7. The organs of inquest
8. Making and amending the constitution : (i) by direct vote of the legislators, (ii) an amendment proposal by the legislature (iii) a proposal by the legislature followed by the ratification (pengesahan) of states. 

Types of Legislature (2):
1. Unicameral Legislative - single chamber / house, (usually) elected directly by the people
                                         - Example: Singapore

2. Bicameral Legislative- 2 houses / chambers
                                       - Lower House & Upper House
                        - Lower House / House of Representative: Dewan Rakyat (Malaysia), has 222 members, elected directly by general election
                                  - Upper House / Senate: Dewan Negara (Malaysia), has 70 members / senators

More about the Dewan Negara:
> Total of 70 members / senators
> 26 senators are elected by the 13 state assemblies ( 2 senators/state)
> 4 senators appointed by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong to represent the 3 federal territories ( Putrajaya:1 ; Labuan:1 ; Kuala Lumpur: 2)
> 40 senators appointed by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister
> Senator serves a term = 3 years for a maximum of 2 terms
> Senator must be 30 years and above
> Parliament dissolution does not affect the Dewan Negara

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