
Friday 10 June 2011

Module Semester 2 AM 110

MAT 112 - Business Mathematics  and Sample Of List of Contents

PAD 170 - Government & Politics

Chapter 1: Government & Politics: An Introduction
                        1.1.1 Definition of government
                        1.1.2 Forms of Government

Chapter 2: Theories of Decision Making and Problem Structuring
                  2.1 The Executive
                         2.1.1 Definition of Executive
                         2.1.2 Classification of Executive
                         2.1.3 Methods of Choosing Executive
                         2.1.4 Function of The Executive
                         2.1.5 Comparison Between Executive in Parliamentary and Presidential System
                         2.1.6 Definition and Functions of The Civil Service
                         2.1.7 Executive in An Islamic Political System

Chapter 3: The Legislature
                        3.1.1 Definition and Functions
                        3.1.2 Types of Legislature
                        3.1.3 The Legislative Process and Constitutional Amendments (Special Reference To Malaysia Legislative System)
                        3.1.4 Legislature in The US, Britain and Malaysia
                        3.1.5 Delegated and / or Subsidiary Legislation
                        3.1.6 Direct Legislation
                        3.1.7 Legislatures From The Islamic Perspective

Chapter 4: The Judiciary
                  4.1 Functions of The Judiciary
                  4.2 Independence of The Judiciary
                  4.3 The Court Structure in Malaysia
                  4.4 Rule of Law / Rule by Law
                  4.5 The Judiciary from The Islamic Perspective

Chapter 5: Political Parties
                 5.1 Definition
                 5.2 Functions of Political Parties
                 5.3 The Concept of No Party System
                 5.4 Origins of Political Parties
                 5.5 Types of Political Parties

Chapter 6: Pressure Groups
                 6.1 Definition
                 6.2 Functions of Pressure / Interest Groups
                 6.3 Differences between Pressure / Interest Groups and Political Parties
                 6.4 Types of Pressure / Interest Groups
                 6.5 Methods Used by Pressure / Interest Groups to Gain Influence
                 6.6 Effectiveness of Pressure / Interest Groups

Chapter 7: System of Representation
                 7.1 Definition
                 7.2 Methods of Making Electoral Areas
                 7.3 Types of Representation System

Chapter 8: The Election System
                 8.1 Definition
                 8.2 Functions of Election
                 8.3 Theories of Franchise
                 8.4 Rights of Election
                 8.5 Factors which influence Voter Behavior
                8.6 The Election Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia)


CTU 151 - Pemikiran dan Tamadun Islam

Thursday 9 June 2011

PAD 170 - Chapter 1

An introduction mind map for Chapter 1: Government & Politics

PAD 170 reference

Module of PAD 170: Government & Politics, updated 2010, Institut Perkembangan Pendidikan UiTM

Chapter 1: Government & Politics: An Introduction
                        1.1.1 Definition of government
                        1.1.2 Forms of Government

Chapter 2: Theories of Decision Making and Problem Structuring
                  2.1 The Executive
                         2.1.1 Definition of Executive
                         2.1.2 Classification of Executive
                         2.1.3 Methods of Choosing Executive
                         2.1.4 Function of The Executive
                         2.1.5 Comparison Between Executive in Parliamentary and Presidential System
                         2.1.6 Definition and Functions of The Civil Service
                         2.1.7 Executive in An Islamic Political System

Chapter 3: The Legislature
                        3.1.1 Definition and Functions
                        3.1.2 Types of Legislature
                        3.1.3 The Legislative Process and Constitutional Amendments (Special Reference To Malaysia Legislative System)
                        3.1.4 Legislature in The US, Britain and Malaysia
                        3.1.5 Delegated and / or Subsidiary Legislation
                        3.1.6 Direct Legislation
                        3.1.7 Legislatures From The Islamic Perspective

Chapter 4: The Judiciary
                  4.1 Functions of The Judiciary
                  4.2 Independence of The Judiciary
                  4.3 The Court Structure in Malaysia
                  4.4 Rule of Law / Rule by Law
                  4.5 The Judiciary from The Islamic Perspective

Chapter 5: Political Parties
                 5.1 Definition
                 5.2 Functions of Political Parties
                 5.3 The Concept of No Party System
                 5.4 Origins of Political Parties
                 5.5 Types of Political Parties

Chapter 6: Pressure Groups
                 6.1 Definition
                 6.2 Functions of Pressure / Interest Groups
                 6.3 Differences between Pressure / Interest Groups and Political Parties
                 6.4 Types of Pressure / Interest Groups
                 6.5 Methods Used by Pressure / Interest Groups to Gain Influence
                 6.6 Effectiveness of Pressure / Interest Groups

Chapter 7: System of Representation
                 7.1 Definition
                 7.2 Methods of Making Electoral Areas
                 7.3 Types of Representation System

Chapter 8: The Election System
                 8.1 Definition
                 8.2 Functions of Election
                 8.3 Theories of Franchise
                 8.4 Rights of Election
                 8.5 Factors which influence Voter Behavior
                 8.6 The Election Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia)

Functions of the 3 Branches of Government

(Before get to the point, should briefly explain what is the three branches of government.)... ...

Then the functions are as follow:
The Legislature makes law, amends and replaces old laws, it controls, criticise, supervise and scrutinizes (meneliti) the administration or activities of the executive and influence the policies of the government. The legislature is also the the representative for the people. In some country, the legislature sometime held the judicial function like they can prefer the charge of impeachment on their executives (i.e. president or vice president),for example like United States of America. The Legislature also has the power to elect the head of the state, India for example, the lower house and the upper house and the state legislative bodies elect the president.  Lastly, the legislature also control the national finance, no money could be spent or raised by the executive without the previous consent and approval of the parliament. The power of the legislature includes granting of money for expenses on public services, impose taxes and authorize loans.

The Executive branch is the enforcer of law, it enforce laws made or enacted by the legislature, it also held responsibility for the government administrative system, it has the authority to adjourn and dissolve the legislature. The formulation and execution of governmental policies are also the responsibility of the executive. It also direct relations with foreign governments despite of preparing the annual financial reports and proposal of the expenditure and taxes before presenting to the parliament or the legislature for approval. The executive branch issues regulations for the governance of the government departments. As the executive body including all the government servants, it held the responsibility for delivering services such as healthcare, welfare, education, finance and etc. to the people. The executive body also command armed forces for the defends and protection of the state security, recommend legislation and issue ordinances (undang-undang).

The Judiciary is a branch of government that is concerned with the administration of justice. It is the guardian of the constitution, if the laws made by  the judiciary or the states are conflicted with the constitution, the judiciary could declare the laws as invalid. The judiciary interprets laws, the constitutions and the statutes. It hears and decide disputes.The Judiciary also makes law when the existing laws are blur or confusing or conflicting each others in some cases, the judiciary can determine what law should prevail according to the circumstances and situation. The judiciary also functions as the advisory body, which it held responsibility to giving advices when the government seek for it or when the YDPA refer to it.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

PAD reference

Government And Politics In Malaysia edited by Abdul Rashid Moten, 2008
Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd

Found this book in MOH's library. Try to get one from MPH, cost around RM40, but no stock. This book is a contribution from over 12 Professors, teachers and lecturers.

A little sneak peek into this book:
Chapter 1: Society, Politics and Islam : An Overview
Chapter 2: Development in Malaysia : An Overview
Chapter 3: Constitution and Constitutionalism
Chapter 4: Federalism : Origin and Applications
Chapter 5: Real and Nominal Political Executive
Chapter 6: The Bicameral Legislature
Chapter 7: Judiciary
Chapter 8: Political Parties and Party System
Chapter 9: Elections and Electoral System
Chapter 10: Human Rights
Chapter 11: Public Administration
Chapter 12: Police Administration
Chapter 13: Military Professionalism and Civil-Military Relations
Chapter 14: Foreign Policy

The highlighted chapters are chapters i personally think will be very useful in studying PAD 120 and PAD 170. The words used in this book are simple, precise and very easy to understand. Brief statement in this book also help readers to 'imagine' the situation and concept clearly. In addition to the merits of this book, it has lots of tables and pictures to help readers to 'see through' and get the real idea of all the writings. By the way, there is a list of Acronyms attached on the xiii page of this book, which is at the front of the list of contents and it helps for even the early beginners or newbie to understand the 'short-form' used to name the organizations and associations in Malaysia. If you thought thats enough, turn to page 295, named 'Further Reading' here are the lists of books you may find it helpful for further readings and research on certain topics such as History, Politics, Administration and etc. Really, really love this book and will try hard to own one someday!

Quoted from the Preface of this book, written by Abdul Rashid Moten:
"Government and Politics in Malaysia addresses core Political Science concerns over the nature of political systems and key political issues. Indeed, the study begins with a broad description of society, politics and Islam (Abdul Rashid Moten) and an analysis of the development policies pursued in Malaysia during the last fifty years (Hazizan Md Noon). This is followed by an examination of the nature of the Federal Constitution (Abdul Rashid Moten) and the nature of federal-state relations (Yusuf Saleem). Subsequent chapters deal with the broad description of governmental structure, based largely on national constitution and a detailed study of the nature and importance of major democratic political institutions. The word institution refers to both formal structures like nominal and real executives (Wahabuddin Ra'ees), the bicameral legislature (Mohd Fuzi), the judiciary ( Abdul Aziz Bari), political parties and party system and elections and the electoral system contributed by Tunku Mohar Mokhtar and more diffused political practices including human rights (El-Fatih A.Salam). There are three chapters that deal with the administrative system: public administration (Noor-e-Alam Siddique), police administration (Normala Adnan) and military professionalism and civil-military relations (K.S. Nathan). The final chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the fifty years of Malaysia's foreign policy (Ishtiaq Hossain). It should be evident that the book is comprehensive in that it covers all the areas usually found in a book dealing with a country's government and politics. Additionally, it covers some of the issues not covered in earlier works on Malaysia government and politics."

Sunday 5 June 2011

Kalendar Akademik e-PJJ & PLK Diploma Mei-September 2011



(KEMASKINI : 27/05/2011)


Keputusan Peperiksaan Akhir April 2011(Diploma) diumumkan

Tempoh permohonan Rayuan Meneruskan Pengajian (RMP)
(Pelajar Semester 2 dan ke atas),
Semak Semula/Pembetulan Keputusan Peperiksaan April 2011
Permohonan Peperiksaan Khas (Diploma) : melalui student portal
31/05 – 01/6/2011
Peperiksaan Khas
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan Tukar Kampus/ Mod Pengajian/ Program
Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru e-PJJ/PLK
Di Dewan Sri Budiman (08.30 – 12.30 tgh)
Hari Ramah Mesra dan Taklimat Kepada Pelajar Baru
Di Dewan Annexe (2.00 – 4.30 ptg)
Pendaftaran Kedua Pelajar baru e-PJJ/PLK ( 8.30pg – 1.00tgh)
(Bagi pelajar kes khas)
27/5 – 20/06/2011
Pendaftaran kursus on-line semua pelajar lama e-PJJ/PLK
 & Tempoh Tambah dan Gugur Kursus
Mesyuarat Lembaga Akademik InED

Seminar Bermula
Pusat Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (e-PJJ)
Pusat Pengajian Luar Kampus (PLK)
Tarikh Akhir Pembayaran Yuran
21/06 – 04/07/2011
Pengesahan (Validasi) Pendaftaran Kursus Berakhir
GUGUR TARAF sebagai pelajar UiTM Muktamad (pelajar yang tidak mendaftar kursus dan / atau tidak membayar yuran)
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Tarikh akhir penerimaan permohonan Cuti Khas pelajar lama
(Pelajar yang TELAH membayar yuran pengajian)
Pelajar Mula mencetak Slip Menduduki Peperiksaan
19/09 – 09/10/2011
Peperiksaan Akhir September 2011

Saturday 4 June 2011

Jadual Seminar Semester 2 (Jun - Ogos 2011)

Jadual Seminar Semester Jun 2011 – Ogos 2011
UiTM Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur, Shah Alam

19 Jun 2011
3 Julai 2011
17 Julai 2011
7 Ogos 2011
21 Ogos 2011

MAT 112 (Business Mathematics)
Bilik :C223
PAD 170
(Goverment and Politics)
Bilik : C221/222
BEL 260
(Preparatory Course for MUET)
Bilik : C316
CTU 151 (Islamic Thought & Civilisation)
Bilik : C316
PAD 170
(Goverment and Politics)
Bilik : C216/217
MAT 112 (Business Mathematics)
Bilik : C216/217
CTU 151 (Islamic Thought & Civilisation)
Bilik : C405
BEL 260 (Preparatory Course for MUET)
Bilik : C405
MAT 112 (Business Mathematics)
Bilik : C316
BEL 260 (Preparatory Course for MUET)
Bilik : C316
PAD 170
(Goverment and Politics)
Bilik : C221/222
CTU 151 (Islamic Thought & Civilisation)
Bilik : C221/222
PAD 170
(Goverment and Politics)
Bilik : C315
MAT 112 (Business Mathematics)
Bilik : C315
CTU 151 (Islamic Thought & Civilisation)
Bilik : C315
BEL 260 (Preparatory Course for MUET)
Bilik : C315
MAT 112 (Business Mathematics)
Bilik :C314
PAD 170
(Goverment and Politics)
Bilik : C314
BEL 260
(Preparatory Course for MUET)
Bilik : C314
CTU 151 (Islamic Thought & Civilisation)
Bilik : C314